Saturday, March 21, 2015

Every Planet We Reach Is Dead (and other stories)

     So I have decided the working umbrella title for my little group of DCC adventures is Every Planet we Reach it's Dead. Based on a barren planet, the pc's arrive (zero level funnel)and end up in the only settlement there (D'artay's Aerie )
 From there, I am working on several directions they can go, one of them being a small ruined temple and the other being a mountain/tower structure topped by a monkey's head. There are rumours of an un named goddess/ demon queen of the frenzy.

She was tricked into wearing a vest that kept her from side stepping realities. Her worshippers were indiginous groups of beast men who would readily give their lives in her service.

I have even more in store, but that is all I have for now, take careffolks. Later.

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