I am hoping to finish my Deadlands game this Sunday, though that is not the point of this post. Still mired in work, home, and classes but here I am to let you know of a couple great things coming to you this year.
First off is Andy Hopp has started a Kickstarter to bring his latest Low Life book, The Whole Hole: a gadabouts guide to Mutha Oith to the masses! Go to http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1359565526/low-life-the-whole-hole-a-gadabouts-guide-to-mutha to check it out. If you like Andy's art, you owe it to yourself to check it out, and if you have his original Low Life book, this is like that turned up to eleven. All of the art is in color and man is it amazing! Go check it out.
Also, Andy's annual Con on the Cob has recently begun taking registrations. Go to http://cononthecob.com/ to sign up. In addition to Andy Hopp's signature weirdness their are other notables who will be in attendance, such as Kay and Tony Steele, Meg Lyman, Heather Krieter, and more.
On a final note, Pinnacle Entertainment will soon be releasing their Savage Worlds Deluxe rules in their popular explorer's edition format. As far as I know it will be ten dollars, making it affordable for most gaming groups to jump in and get playing. Check out their site here for updates and/or details http://www.peginc.com/ Take care everyone, and please feel free to comment.